The periodontium is all that structure that supports the teeth In such a way that they can fulfill their function.
The periodontium is the object of study of the periodontology which literally deals with "everything around the tooth", i.e., soft tissues (gingiva and periodontal ligament) and hard tissues (alveolar bone and root cementum), which are in fact the tissues that support the tooth.
They are therefore all elements responsible for the stability of teeth and enabling chewing, which are very important for maintaining healthy teeth.
In general, all individuals who do not maintain good oral hygiene can develop a gingivitis and later a periodontal disease: both of these Inflammatory diseases are affecting the gums. and are caused by plaque and tartar; if gingivitis is left untreated, it can develop into periodontitis, a more serious disease that can not only lead to the tooth loss but that it is Linked in double strand with other diseases.
In addition to a poor oral hygiene there are certain factors that can predispose to the periodontitis:
- smoke
- pregnancy (due to hormonal changes)
- genetic predisposition
- Stress (probably due to low immune defenses during periods of high stress)
- diabetes
La prevention of this disease so it is based on theOral hygiene, periodic visits to the dentist, professional oral cleaning sessions and avoiding certain harmful habits.
La periodontal therapy mainly follows three stages: thedetection, surgery and maintenance.
As for theidentification, the diseases that can affect the periodontium are mainly. Gingivitis, periodontitis and bleeding: The following are required to treat them hygiene sessions, curettage (scaling rout planning, or cleaning bacteria on the tooth root), Surgical and nonsurgical treatments and periodic follow-up Of the state of teeth, gums, and dentures.
At our practice, each oral hygiene session lasts at least 1 hour and involves thorough and deep cleaning of the entire oral cavity.
After surgery, it is good to maintain the health status of the oral cavity through frequisite checkups at the dentist, so as to avoid recurrence and reduce the possibility of losing one's natural teeth. As well as conservative dentistry in fact. periodontology aims to maintain and preserve the original tooth structure.