The GBT® (Guided Biofilm Therapy) Protocol. is a revolutionary clinical protocol for the'professional dental hygiene, the result of years of clinical research conducted by the Swiss company EMS in collaboration with experts and experts in the field.

In the GBT® protocol, everything revolves around the complete removal of biofilm, stains, and tartar with innovative, state-of-the-art technologies, gently preserving the surface of the teeth and gums.
For remove biofilm the dental hygienist uses a colored liquid (absolutely nontoxic and completely harmless) on the patient's or patient's teeth: this substance changes shade (becoming darker) when it comes in contact with the biofilm, so that it can be pinpointed with absolute precision.

This mode has two enormous advantages:
- dental hygienist can remove 100% of biofilm (otherwise invisible to the naked eye) accurately and precisely
- the patient or patient (who is shown a real-time image of his or her mouth with localized biofilm) becomes aware of the areas where he or she tends to accumulate more plaque and can thus Achieve more effective oral hygiene even at home
So what are the advantages of professional dental hygiene with GBT protocol over traditional oral hygiene?
- Less invasive
- Painless
- Faster
- Much more effective