This service was established in 2014 to meet the needs of R., a long-time patient of ours.
With ...
In our blog you will find many insights on the main topics related to oral hygiene (prevention, treatments, best practices and more) but also news and updates about our study.
How to know if it is time to change a baby's or child's toothbrush?
1️⃣ Check the bristlesThe toothbrush ...
Tooth fractures are quite common and some are invisible to the naked eye but can still cause a ...
When fixed orthodontic treatment begins, the first few weeks can be particularly uncomfortable ...
People can take advantage of health care agreements with medical and dental offices if the latter ...
Among orthodontic treatments, clear templates with Invisalign® are increasingly popular, especially ...
What to eat during the Holidays if we have a sweet tooth but don't want to go overboard on refined sugars ...
The Holidays for some people are the best time of the year but for our teeth, if we do not take proper ...
When will my baby boy or girl's first tooth come out? This is one of the questions most frequently asked by ...
Periodontitis-an inflammatory disease of the gums that, if left untreated, can also lead to the loss of ...
We brush our teeth for 3 minutes, spit out the toothpaste and then rinse with water: right?
Although that is what ...
Lip or tongue piercings are popular but are not without risks to teeth, gums and ...
Sinusitis is an inflammatory process manifested by headaches especially in the morning, localized on the ...
Diabetes and periodontal disease have a bidirectional relationship: this means that while the ...
The manifestations of celiac disease (gluten intolerance) can go beyond the classic problems ...
People who have one or more relatives in the family who have suffered from periodontitis are more likely to ...
October 25 marks World Pasta Day, or World Pasta Day, an anniversary ...
September 21 marks World Alzheimer's Day: in recent years several studies have found ...
Chlorhexidine is a broad-spectrum disinfectant that is generally (but not limited to) used for cable care ...
The fashion for glitter on teeth spread around the 1990s and has recently made a comeback.
A ...
We often say that oral hygiene should start at a very young age with the eruption of the first tooth ... and before ...
honey is often seen as a "healthier" alternative to sugar: but what happens to teeth when we eat ...
How much toothpaste to use when we brush our teeth?
In toothpaste advertisements we are used to seeing ...
How to keep the toothbrush clean longer?
Here are 7 tips!
1️⃣ Once used it should be ...