Is the sun harmful to teeth? How to protect our mouth from the sun's rays

6 Aug 2024 | Curiosità

We all know that the UV rays from the sun can be harmful to the skin, but how much can they be harmful to teeth ?

It is important to be aware of the Effects of sunlight on teeth and gums to make sure to better protect the oral cavity During the relaxing moments when we expose ourselves to the sun.

I UV rays of the sun, in fact, can Damage the cells around the teeth, from the gums to the palate: when you expose yourself to the sun, it is therefore necessary to protect the face with a high-protection sunscreen, applying On the lips an anti-UV balm That offers at least SPF 30 protection.

During the exposure we must remember to riapply frequently both the cream on body and face Both the chapstick sulle lips.

Drink plenty of water also helps reduce dehydration, which could exacerbate the burning sensation in the mouth due to UV exposure: finally, a Good oral hygiene also helps us keep our mouths in good condition at all times To mitigate the effects of UV exposure!

[Medical Director: Dr. Mauro Savio, Member of the Dentists Register Provincial Order of Surgeons and Dentists of Milan n. 4168].

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