Does flossing reduce the risk of stroke? Let's get some clarity

11 Feb 2025 | Oral Health

In recent days, numerous articles have reported a news story with an interesting title: theregular flossing could Reduce the risk of stroke.

At the origin of this statement is a studio presented recently at the American Stroke Association conference in Los Angeles, which highlighted a possible correlation between regular use of the floss and the Reduced risk of stroke and atrial fibrillation.

The research, conducted on 6,278 participants over a period of 25 years, produced interesting results: people using the Floss at least once a week have shown a Significant reduction in some cardiovascular risks.

Specifically, those who flossed reported a 22% lower risk of ischemic stroke, a 44% lower risk of cardioembolic stroke, and a 12% lower risk of atrial fibrillation than people who did not floss.

These benefits might actually be related to the reduction of oral infections and gingival inflammation that is also achieved through theregular flossing but it is important to maintain a critical approach: observed benefits could not to be directly related to flossing, but they may reflect a Greater general focus on health From those who use it regularly!

So remember that these data should be interpreted with due scientific caution and deserve further investigation.That said, using dental floss or interdental brush is always a good idea.

[Medical Director: Dr. Mauro Savio, Member of the Dentists Register Provincial Order of Surgeons and Dentists of Milan n. 4168].

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