Why does mental health affect oral health?

8 May 2024 | Curiosità

May is the month dedicated to the mental health awareness, a crucial time to deepen the understanding of the Link between psychological well-being and physical health, including oral.

Often underestimated, the effects of anxiety and depression can extend far beyond the mind, significantly affecting even our dental health.

Poor oral hygiene

During periods of intense anxiety or depression, it may be difficult to maintain daily routines such as proper oral hygiene. Disinterest or lack of energy can lead to skip brushing or flossing, facilitating plaque accumulation and the risk of developing tooth decay.

Bruxism: grinding of the Teeth

L'anxiety can manifest itself physically through the bruxism, or the unconscious grinding of teeth, especially during sleep. This habit not only causes tooth wear, but it can also lead to Jaw pain and long-term problems such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction.

Changes in nutrition

Anxiety and depression can influence food choices, pushing toward excessive consumption of sugary snacks or acidic beverages, which are harmful to tooth enamel. These foods increase the risk of tooth decay and can compromise overall dental health.

Gum disease and oral health

Lo emotional stress is a well-known aggravating for inflammatory conditions, including gingivitis or more severe periodontal disease. Anxiety and depression can impair the body's ability to fight inflammation, worsening the condition of the gums and increasing the risk of tooth loss.

    Riconognize and treat anxiety and depression is not only essential for mental health, it is also essential for oral well-being: Regularly consult a mental health professional, if we need it, is as important as visiting the dentist for periodic checkups.

    If you are experiencing a period of particular emotional stress, it is crucial to don't neglect your oral hygiene: implements a routine that includes regular brushing, flossing and scheduled dental visits.

    [Medical Director: Dr. Mauro Savio, Member of the Dentists Register Provincial Order of Surgeons and Dentists of Milan n. 4168].

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