We have important news concerning professional dental hygiene!
In our studio we now also carry out thedental hygiene with GBT® protocol, a revolutionary protocol that allows the hygienist to perform a much more effective teeth cleaning, much less invasive and, therefore, virtually painless!
The acronym GBT® stands for "Guided Biofilm Therapy.": During the dental hygiene session, the hygienist applies a dye solution (totally harmless and nontoxic) into the patient's mouth to Identify exactly where the biofilm is located, the patina that adheres to teeth causing plaque.
The biofilm, in contact with the dyed solution, becomes tinged with a more intense tone: this allows the hygienist to intervene in the most critical places and remove all the plaque (which would otherwise be invisible to the naked eye), but also to the Patient to know where it tends to accumulate more biofilm, to perform more efficient oral hygiene at home as well!

The instruments used in dental hygiene with the GBT® protocol allow for the performance of a professional teeth cleaning in less time than traditional methods and without the use of invasive practices or treatments.
Come and discover the revolution in professional oral hygiene and Book your dental hygiene session with GBT® protocol at Dental1 office!
[Medical Director: Dr. Mauro Savio, Member of the Dentists Register Provincial Order of Surgeons and Dentists of Milan n. 4168].