To carry out an intervention of implantology it is necessary for the patient to have a jawbone which, for quantity and quality, Allow the loading of a dental implant.
This is not always possible: some people suffer from severe bone deficits that cannot be solved even using the most modern techniques of bone regeneration.
In these cases, therefore, we usually resort to the use of zygomatic implants.
What is a zygomatic implant?
It is a dental implant that Is loaded (attached) to the cheekbone; precisely because it is necessary to fix it on a bone placed higher than the maxillary bone, this type of implants Can be up to 3 times longer than a traditional dental implant!

L'cheekbone is a bone that has Optimal characteristics for plant loading which can be excellently osseointegrated: this is because the cheekbone does not suffer the negative repercussions related to all those factors that, instead, worsen the quality of jaw bones (age, lack of teeth, oral diseases, etc.).
In addition, interventions to load these types of facilities have a very high probability of success although they require a more invasive procedure because you have to reach the cheekbone to load the implant.
Nevertheless, usually this type of implantology is immediate loading, so immediately after the operation a fixed (but still temporary) prosthesis will be loaded, allowing the patient to Immediately recover aesthetics and functionality of the mouth.
The final prosthesis will be loaded once the time required for proper osseointegration of the zygomatic implant has passed.
[Medical Director: Dr. Mauro Savio, Member of the Dentists Register Provincial Order of Surgeons and Dentists of Milan n. 4168].